
Anyone can give feedback and make a complaint including:

  • a participant

  • a participant’s family or guardian

  • a participant’s financial manager

  • an advocate

  • an employee

  • a community visitor
    a professional

  • a member of the public.

Feedback and complaints can be made directly to us at:

  • in person

  • by email at

  • in writing

  • by phone on 02 5104 3246.

Feedback and complaints help us:

  • identify problems

  • improve services

  • provide better outcomes to participants.

  • Complaints can be made anonymously. Feedback and complaints can be made directly with the National Disability Insurance (NDIA) Commission’s website.


Accurate information of complaints received including decisions made, actions taken and eventual outcomes must be recorded and kept for 7 years from the date of the complaint which allows us to:

enable reviews of any complaints received

assist in identifying any systemic issues raised

allow a response to the Commissioner, if required

be stored securely and accessible only by the people handling complaints.


Complaints to the NDIA may be referred to other agencies or bodies if needed including:

non-compliance with the NDIS code of conduct

inappropriate or unauthorised use of restrictive practice

employee screening issues e.g. if an employee of the provider was found to have a criminal history (for more information, refer to the worker screening policy)

incidents relevant to other bodies (police, consumer affairs agencies or other regulatory bodies).


Our complaints system is documented and information on how to make a complaint is available to participants, their families, guardians or advocates in a way that is culturally appropriate.

We work to ensure participants:

  • are aware of their right to make a complaint

  • feel empowered to make a complaint

  • are supported to make a complaint

  • are involved in the resolution process after making a complaint

  • know they won’t be adversely affected as a result of making a complaint.


If you have any queries or complaints about contact us at:

Coree Services PTY LTD